CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 656 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Rev. 7: 13–17 lines Den store hvide Flok vi se Hans Adolf Brorson, c. 1760 Tr., composite Great White Host Norwegian folk-tune, c. 1600 Arr. by Edvard H. Grieg, †1907, ad. safe glo snow clad rious and thou now, hail! sand how Now moun they blest bright, pear! aye, tains ap for a and ye hold spised hail, ar they y scorned, host, might Be 1 De 2 Then 3 in journed But Like All white, here; yea, gions, so rayed le on you near. for ev throne of er the light? throne fore tained the And Those With way. they tyrs the a who stand. stand Lord, Who palms mar praise His ly Sus this Word band, band Be God’s with priest is oft, these did Lo, So Ye dain, by, fame gone dis rious days earth glo the are in of bled of they trou joys tears tion weep in would af flic and and pain. sigh, came toiled an from Ye In Who great they sowed the guish and guilt tears glad from their tion’s At and shall re And Fare cleansed aye va blame. dry. frain. the a now of the your bring flood bove in home well, sing blood Love Sal Are For Je God sheaves and sus’ of in the joy quet iad wor of voic palms, in es chal it their lift they ban myr ship the es up Sab ho raise, blest; strong, en ered your now high ly bath your gath Now Swing They Their The Yea, pas voic make song, rest, place, praise fes God ly Lord, swell shall at where Thee, board dwell, God, Him Mid to tal doth E The Their nal their thems an Lamb, ter A long. Guest. praise. men. and self an of be and gels’ the is songs Lamb Host